Tourism in Ciamis, West Java Indonesia

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Tourism in Ciamis, West Java Indonesia - Ciamis is one of regencies in West Java, with the capital is Ciamis town. It has borderes with Majalengka and Kuningan in north, Cilacap, Central Java and Banjar city in east, Indian Ocean in south, Tasikmalaya city and Tasikmalaya regency in west.

Ciamis is divided into 30 Sub-district, and divided more into villages and hamlets. Most of Ciamis area is form into mountain and highland, except on the border with southern Central Java, and some coastal areas. Ciamis south eastern coast is in the form of gulf, including the Gulf of Pangandaran, Parigi Gulf, and Gulf Pananjung. Pangandaran Beach is one of the main tourist destination in Ciamis District.

Ciamis is one of Indonesia areas that potentially have beach destination. Beside, there are also other destinations like Situ Lengkong Panjalu, Bumi Alit tourism object, Tambaksari Museum, Astana gede awali, Karang Nini beach, Karang Tirta, Batu Hiu, Green Canyon, Batu Karas, Keusik Luhur, and Citumang.

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