Malaysia claim "Tari Pendet" From Bali

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Malaysia again claimed Indonesian culture - dance Pendet, Bali - the culture of those who visit the ad included in their year. Previously, they had claimed angklung, reog Ponorogo, batik, Hombo Rock, and Dance Folaya.

The Indonesian government will ask for clarification related to the Government of Malaysia it. This was conveyed by the Director General of Cultural Values and the Film Art Department of Culture and Tourism, Tjetjep Suparman while attending symposiums and workshops on inventory in order to protect the cultural heritage objects not of Indonesia in Jakarta

He said, if later it proved the Government of Malaysia using Pendet dance in tourism advertising, the Government of Indonesia will submit an official reprimand against the Government of Indonesia which gained clarity.
Tjetjep added, the number of Indonesian cultural use by the Government of Malaysia, especially for the type of dance as it had many descendants of Indonesian citizens who had settled in Malaysia who spread the culture of everyday life.

quote above nyadarin for all of us as people of Indonesia in order to better appreciate their own culture that neighbors stared ga arbitrarily claim our culture.

1 comment:

  1. Well, me as a Malaysia definitely never seen any pendet dance anywhere in Malaysia. It just that Discovery Channel made an error in their promotion of the program which happen to be about Malaysia.

    And we get the blame because of it.
