Sunset on the Beach Bandengan Jepara

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After enjoying a variety of fun games at the Beach Bandengan until late afternoon, it's time you enjoyed a stunning performance at this beach. This is an amazing show of nature, namely the process or sunset sunset. You can admire the beauty of the sun on the way stops in the evening. The reflected light is dimming the sun visible in the sea water with the calm waves in this Bandengan Coast. Moments like this are often perpetuated by the photographer who happened to stop by the Beach Bandengan Jepara.

You can also enjoy panoramic sunset or sunset while enjoying food is served in restaurants in Beach Bandengan lips. One of the famous restaurant in this beach is Sunset Beach Restaurant, founded by Italian citizens who have a local wife. The restaurant is often visited by foreign tourists. You can enjoy a pizza that is typical Italian food, seafood and Indonesian cuisine while enjoying the beautiful panorama sunset and hear the waves on the seashore. If you eat at one restaurant on the beach Bandengan, then you can go for free to Bandengan Beach attractions.

If you're tired and want to rest, at the beach are also offered Bandengan villa or accommodation can be rented. After resting for the night, in the morning you can enjoy the sunrise panorama serving in Bandengan Beach.

Beach Sightseeing Bandengan not difficult to visit. JESNA has been providing good roads and easy transportation to attractions Bandengan Beach. So, if you're in Central Java, it would not hurt you come to Jepara. As he saw the beauty of typical Jepara carving, you can also stop by the flagship attractions that JESNA Bandengan Beach or also known as Ocean Beach Tirta.

1 comment:

  1. Romi Chgantnx Cllu Stia Q st12 st SETIA Repvblick Band Thengan Jepara Jawa Tengah Indonesia AsiaSeptember 16, 2011 at 6:33 PM

    saya bangga mjd warga Bandengan...meskipun kehidupan saya pas2an, tetapi saya ttp brsyukur dg pmberian Allah SWT.

    I LOVE Repvblick Band The ngansaya bangga mjd warga Bandengan...meskipun kehidupan saya pas2an, tetapi saya ttp brsyukur dg pmberian Allah SWT.

    I LOVE Repvblick Band The ngan
