Travelling to Perth, Australia

Travelling to Perth, Australia - The city of Perth is located in Western Australia and is the capital of Western Australia. It has more than 1.6 million inhabitants, making it the 4th most populous city in Australia and most of the state. Situated on the banks of the Swan River, the magnificent Indian Ocean beaches are close by.

City of Perth has a Mediterranean climate similar to the summer and warm in winter, a wet months.

The city of Perth has a special feature is the city of over 1 million more isolated in the world, that is 2104 kilometers from Adelaide to be the next city over a million people.

The port of Perth is very active due to explortacion of minarales as gold, nickel, iron and aluminum exploited the state of Western Australia

The main attractions of Perth are:

Kings Park & ​​Botanic Garden is a popular area for hiking, the park is a beautiful botanical garden, where the Festival of Wildflowers in the spring
Mint in Perth, located on the street there, we can see the casting of gold and minted a coin
Cottesloe Beach beautiful white sandy beach with good shade, A lawn areas overlooking the ocean theindian. To the south is protected by a stone groyne, ideal for families and young children.
Caversham Wildlife Park a great park, very clean and tidy. It is home to kangaroos, Wombat and Koala. A nice way to learn about native animals of the region.
The Art Gallery of Western Australia in Perth Cultural Centre houses an extensive collection of Aboriginal art, local and international
Aquarium of Western Australia
Perth Tram Company for a guided tour through the city of Perth you can take a tram or a group of two floors to make the tours
Lake Leschenaultia
Swan Valley Tours

Source:, and
READ MORE - Travelling to Perth, Australia

Visit Phuket in Thailand

Visit Phuket in Thailand - Phuket is the largest and most densely populated island of Thailand, the island's shores are washed by the Andaman Sea, is located on the southern coast of Thailand and the island is also a province of Thailand has some of the best beaches of Thailand.

Phuket was rebuilt after the Tsunami of December 2004 the vast coast of Asia, thanks to a major program of rebuilding the island is in excellent condition, and the visitors hardly notice the remnants of the disaster.

Phuket Island has a mountainous geography, with its highest peak is Mai Thao Sip Song 529 meters above sea level, is covered by lush vegetation. From the decade of the 80 is known as a holiday island, with strong growth, reflecting the beaches still with plenty of hotels, restaurants and dive centers

Sites that you visit on your trip to the island of Phuket:

Sweet Lemongrass Massage
Phuket Thai Cookery School
Phuket Town
Cape Phrompthep
Phang Nga Bay
Wat Chalong
Kok Chang Elephant Trekking Safari

READ MORE - Visit Phuket in Thailand

Palma de Mallorca, Spain Tourism

Palma de Mallorca, Spain Tourism - The city of Palma de Mallorca is the capital of the island of Mallorca and the autonomous community of the Balearic Islands. Located in the western Mediterranean Sea and southeast of the island of Mallorca, about 250 km east of the Iberian Peninsula. The climate is privileged with a medial temperature 17.9 ° C. Annual On sunny days enjoy the beaches and when cloudy explore its beautiful old town.

The landscape of the island is crossed by creeks, beaches and cliffs on the coast, while waiting inside typical Majorcan towns and mountains with elevations of 1,500 meters. A rich cultural landscape and invites you to explore every inch of Mallorca and the island cuisine deepen

The seaside resorts of Palma de Mallorca are:

Basilica de Sant Francesc: Construction Gothic style, with the exception of the altarpiece, which is barroco.el Almudaina Palace
La Seu Cathedral, located on the boardwalk chairing the Port of Palm Bay
Sa Llotja Market or one of the masterpieces of Gothic architecture in Mallorca. It was built between 1420 and Guillem Sagrera
Plaza Mayor key points of Palma de Mallorca. Are the streets Ramblas and Avenida Jaime III, are very popular
Palau de l'Almudaina (Pl Palau Reial, s / n). It was built on a former Muslim Alcázar. The Kings made him the Royal Palace. Stilo is fourteenth-century Gothic. It now houses the Museum of Almudaina Reial
Inside the Palau de l'Almudaina is the Chapel of Santa Ana is a real beauty. The main entrance is Romanesque and Gothic hall. You can see armor, furniture, alfonbras, tapestries, you let yourself discover what this beautiful chapel is home to Santa Ana
Bellver Castle: Built at the request of King James II, has a Gothic style. In the beginning was a defensive castle, then it was the summer residence, after the reign, has been used until the twentieth century as a prison. Located 2 km from downtown Palma.

Source:, and
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Underground river in Palawan, Philippines

Underground river in Palawan, Philippines - On the island of Palawan in the Philippines is a major underground river surrounded by a jungle landscape that flows into the sea, is considered one of the most important in Asia. Because of its importance it was declared National Park underground river of Puerto Princesa.

The National Park ecosystem Puerto Princesa Subterranean River is transformed into a privileged destination for ecotourism. The park covers an area of just under 6000 hectares, and the river has a course of 8 km inside the cave to its end which empties into the South China Sea. His natural charm and value were the factors considered when naming a World Heritage Site in 1999.

The fabulous blue waters of the underground river navigable and allowing his tour of limestone caves filled with stalactites and stalagmites. It's a real landscape to know, I q was designed for the adventurous and who likes to live a magical and unforgettable.

The National Park of Puerto Princesa Subterranean River We will see over 800 different species of plants from which there are over 300 trees. Animals can take pictures of pheasants, bats, foxes, otters, pandas, civets and badgers are some of the threatened endemic animal species that inhabit the park.

The Underground River Park 11 living ecosystems, including rainforests in the mountains and the ocean reefs. In heaven, we can appreciate more than 165 species of birds, which include blue-naped parrot, birds and bushes Tabon Palawan hornbill.

The sense of adventure travelers may also visit and climb Ugon Rock, Cave Lion, and the cave hole Kawili Daylight, some of the most stunning views of the park, and definitely a must.
Source: On Tourism. is
READ MORE - Underground river in Palawan, Philippines

Travel to the Bahamas, Bimini destination

Travel to the Bahamas, Bimini destination - Who dreamed there know the Bahamas? It is a summer vacation destination very popular in America, an archipelago of many islands and coral formation being the capital city of Nassau. If discovered by Columbus in the seventeenth century became a British colony and became independent in 1973. Today, its two main income is tourism and international banking, but we return to the hair of the islands are a paradise on earth.

Bimini is a district within the islands of the Bahamas, located 81 km east of Florida these 3 islands are surrounded by reefs. Call North Bimini, South Bimini and East Bimini. The most active is the first island, where the latter is a haven for q seek peace, with a shortage of accommodation. The capital of North Bimini is Alice Town, the only destination on the island, being close to the mainland coast (just 81 km.) Which is a popular destination for American tourists and also Canadians.

North Bimini has 2 paved roads but linking it completely, you can rent a bike or a golf cart to move around the island. Of the two paved streets one is the main street and the other does not lead where all the beaches, the east coast. People can develop the activity of fishing, boating and enjoying the sea, but without losing the nightlife that has the North Bimini. The reefs and wrecks mucous makes diving and snorkeling activities popular in visitors to the island. Bimini is not only a destination "beach", for it is better threading to other Caribbean islands, but it is a good destination if you're in Miami and want to make a short trip by ferry.
READ MORE - Travel to the Bahamas, Bimini destination

Bidadari Island is the Angel itself

Bidadari Island - Bidadari Island is the Angel itself.  Bidadari Island is one of resort in Thousand Islands regency or Kepualuan Seribu, Jakarta. Before it known as Bidadari Island, it has two names, which was, Sakit island and Purmerend island. Bidadari in Bahasa Indonesia means Angel or fairy.

In the 17th century, this island was an island of Onrust supporting activities because it is situated not far from it. Since becoming supporter, it was built on the island some supporting facilities. For instance, in 1679, the VOC was build a hospital for leprosy which is the transfer from Angke. Therefore, this island had called Sick Island or Pulau Sakit.

At the same time, the Dutch founded forts supervisors. This fort was built to conduct oversight of defense from enemy attacks. Before the island was occupied by Dutch, the Ambon and Dutch people have lived on this island.

Around the year 1800, the British fleet attacked the island and destroyed the buildings on the island. Around the year 1803 the Dutch was return and occupied this island and rebuild the building again. However, the British again attacked in 1806, Onrust Island and Bidadari Island and other islands was falling apart. Year 1827 the island was re-built by the Dutch people involving workers Tionghoa and prisoners. The building was a dormitory built for pilgrims who serves until 1933.

This island, before becoming a resort it was vacant and uninhabited until the year of 1970. Even more it never been visited. In the early 1970s, PT Seabreez manage this island to be used as a tourist resort.

Since the year 1970 this, to attract visitors, the island was renamed Bidadari Island. The reasons for taking its name to Bidadari Angel Island was inspired from the name of the other islands in Pulau Seribu like Pulau Putri or Princess Island and Pulau Nirwana or Nirwana Island.

For several years of conduction Pulau Bidadari Resort has become one of the marine tourism destinations in Kepulauan Seribu which the people are very interested to visit and as a national tourism asset, especially for those who are living in around Jakarta and West Java.

The closest location with Marina Ancol beach with the distance less than 15 km. it take 20 minutes by speed boat, arriving at safety, silent and lonely place which is ideal for forgetting the crowded of tha capital city Jakarta or other city around.

The natural environment which keeps the ecosystem. combination between natural forest and sea, offers a special marine natural atmosphere. Any kind of recreation activities have been provided for a whole day.

Source :
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India Tourism, Things To Do in Ahmedabad

India Tourism, Things To Do in Ahmedabad  - We have told India cities like Chennai, Cochin, Dhaka or Chittorgarh today is the turn of visiting the city of Ahmedabad, with a little more than 3.5 million people, is the seventh most populated city in India and the largest in the state Gujarat

Geography and Climate: The city was founded on the banks of the Sabarmati River in the central region - upstate Gujarat, covering an area of ​​205 km2, divided into two Sabarmati river to the city of Ahmedabad, one curious fact is that during the summer the river dries up, taking a small amount of water.

The city of Ahmedabad has a humid climate and high temperatures in summer make, reach 46 ° C.

In the city of Ahmedabad will find numerous monuments, one of the most prominent temples as the temple Hathee Jain Singh, also has a wildlife sanctuary Nalsarovar founded to protect the birds that inhabit the area, the sanctuary is the Thol lake, which is a natural beauty spot.

The main attractions of the city of Ahmedabad

Juma Masjid was built with yellow sandstone, this mosque has 260 pillars support the 15 domes of different heights. It was built by Ahmad Shah in 1423, and perfectly reflects the architecture of the period. is one of the attractions that receives the most visited city of Ahmedabad

Minara Jhulta or "swaying minarets" a very unusual structure belonging to the mosque of Siddi Bashir and one can only push them swing with the hands. One of the minarets was partly demolished by an Englishman in one of his attempts to unravel the mystery of the swaying minarets that remains revealed until today.

Jain Temple impressive Hathising A temple of white marble, is dedicated to Dharmanath the fifteenth century Jain apostle. Much like the other Jain temples, this temple also has many elaborate sculptures depicting musicians and more.

by the year 1411 Bhadra Fort was built which served as a royal residence in palaces and gardens are well designed, deserve to be driven. It also has protection under the Bhadra Fort Bhadraki this temple.

Sidi Sayed Mosque is an exquisite tour of the Jali panels, carved in stone lining the building's 10 windows. If you must visit Ahmenabad Sidi Sayed, forgiveness is backwards, you must visit when visiting Ahmenabad Sidi Sayed Mosque.

Mahatma Gandhi built in 1915, the Sabarmati Ashram is the most famous tourist attraction Ahmenabad. It's where Mahatma Gandhi began his famous salt march or "Dandi March" in March 1930, a protest against the salt tax of the British. You can see the three wise monkeys and many more of the teachings of Gandhi on the premises of the Ashram.

Lake Kankaria A curious circular lake of 2.3 km in diameter, built in 1451 by Sultan Qutub-ud-Din. In the middle of the lake is an island with a beautiful garden and a summer palace known as Nagina Wadi. The lake is a popular recreation center, as it is surrounded by parks, an aquarium, a marina, natural history museum and zoo.

Source: and
READ MORE - India Tourism, Things To Do in Ahmedabad

Chennai in southern India

Chennai in southern India - This week we we had the city of Cochin, today we'll show you another town that lies south of India. The state capital of Tamil Nadu is Chennai, also known as Madras. With nearly 4500000 people is the 4th largest city in India. Its original name was Madras in 1996 but was changed aa Chennai, the former name is still used in the West.

The climate in the city of Chennai is tropical, hot and humid, with temperatures reaching 40 ° q in the summer. rainfall occurring between the months of September and December.

The city of Chennai is the base for the large Tamil movie industry, known as Kollywood, is also the only ATP WORLD TOUR tournament played in India, named after the Aircel Chennai Open.

To visit on our trip to Chennai:

     Marina Beach is considered one of the longest beaches in the world. The beach stretches over a distance of 12 km and a width considerably greater.
    Covelong Beach is one of the best beaches on the Coromandel Coast. It lies at a distance of 40 km from Chennai. The beach is situated amid picturesque villages and serves as the perfect retreat, away from the noise of the city
    Elliot beach is known for being one of the cleanest beaches in the city of Chennai. It is located south of Marina Beach, the beach is also known for being a very quiet and peaceful. The beach has nicknamed "Bessei."
    Fort St. George, located on the shores of the Bay of Bengal. According to historians would be the first establishment of the British in India, built in 1960 BC by the British East India Company. In advanced COPD, which was established as a trading post.
    The Government Museum: It is considered one of the oldest museums in India. There is a historical story behind the origin of this Museum. is one of the most popular tours of the city.
    In the city of Chennai, there has several beautiful churches and magnificent to see. The most important churches of Chennai are Kink Andrew Anderson Church Chinnamalai Church, Christ Church, Santhome, the Cathedral Basilica of St. JorgeCatedral.

Source: and
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Tourism in Turkey, Antalya Vistar

Tourism in Turkey, Antalya Vistar. The city of Antalya is the most important capital of the Turquoise Coast of Mediterranean. The city of Antalya is also the capital of the Antalya region, the entire region has an extraordinary selection of beaches with crystalline waters that likely will revisit.

Not only beaches are attractive pose Antalya city also has a unique architectural heritage around the Mediterranean Sea coast and spectacular MOTAN that allow us to hiking or climbing.

Antalya is a tourism began to grow in the 1970 making it the destination of the Turquoise Coast of Mediterranean, About 40% of foreign tourists who do land in Turkey in Antalya, is that your offer is wide and varied.

Inthe the Hadrian's visit by the Emperor Hadrian in AD 130 Antalya was built in a monumental gate in the wall.
Clock Tower Place is located in the Karaalioglu also part of the ancient wall that protected Antalya.
Hidirlik The tower is believed to be built as a lighthouse in the second century to serve as a guide to ships approaching the coast of the Mediterranean.
Yivli Minare, tall fluted minaret, built in red brick, is perhaps the symbol of the city as it stands out from the rest of the buildings with 45 m
Aspendos Theatre is now used for concerts, theatrical representations and festivals like the International Festival and Traditional Opera and Ballet which is held every June.
Murat Pasa Mosque of Ottoman origin preserved in Antalya. Is preserved from the sixteenth century and highlights the decoration with tiles.
Antalya Archaeological Museum features an exhibition that includes archaeological remains of Roman, Hellenistic, Seljuk, Byzantine, Ottoman, etc. Among his most precious jewels are colored ceramics, dating between 5,400 and 8,500 BC the Open every day except Monday

READ MORE - Tourism in Turkey, Antalya Vistar

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Melbourne, VIC, Australia - Travel to the continent of Oceania, the second largest city and important in Australia, Melbourne being the state capital of Victoria. During 1901 and 1927 was the capital of Australia.

It is considered one of the best cities to live and as a tourist destination, you will have the attractions this city has q and try to convince you to meet her.

Melbourne owes its name to 1 British minister William Lamb, who was second Viscount Melbourne (England town in the county of Derbyshire). The name derives from two Melbourne Melly Burne Anglo-Saxon, meaning "mill stream". The nickname he has is "garden city" for its beautiful botanical gardens and manicured parks have.

Places to visit in Melbourne:

Federation Square. is in the center of the city of Melbourne, you'll find lots of information for tourists, unique places to shop, eat and drink.
Yarra River and Port Phillip Bay. It is the natural attraction that stands out and identify Melbourne, on its shores you will find shops, residences and sports facilities.
Collins Street. The main street of Melbourne, the landscape is drawn with great upscale shops and imposing buildings.
Center for the Arts in Victoria. is where you can enjoy theater, opera, classical and contemporary music and visual arts.
Contemporary Art Center. Near the Arts Center is a museum located in a new building.
Melbourne Museum (Melbourne Museum), the visit includes the fossils of dinosaurs, a giant Rubik's cube, you can also visit their own indoor tropical rainforest. It is the largest museum in the country.
Fitzroy Gardens. This park is an example of the legacy left by the British, this garden represents the Union Jack.
Treasury Gardens. in their 5.8-hectare park located east of Melbourne hosting the Old Treasury Building, waterfalls, statues, restaurants, a nice walk outdoors.
Parliament House. Built in the mid-nineteenth century has a Victorian Doors open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 16:00 and 4 tours at 10:00, 11:00, 14:00 and 15:00, provided that when not holding any meeting

Source:, and
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Cochin, India

Cochin, India - We know cities in South Asia today traveled to India to visit Cochin (Kochi), has few landmarks to go, but that does not detract from the interesting places and events offered by Cochin. The estimated population of 600,000, if we add the metropolitan population reaches 1.5 million.

Tranquility reigns in Cochin in the streets, the smile and the friendliness of its inhabitants are permanent make our stay an addition to the patience and care you put everything.

Cochin International Airport, also known as Nedumbassery Airport is located 30km from Cochin Nedumbassery. The style of construction of the Cochin International Airport has traditional Kerala architecture

Cochin has a tropical monsoon climate. Annual temperatures ranging from Cochin from 20 to 35 ° C. Average annual precipitation is 274 cm, with an annual average of 132 rainy days.

The fishing port is located in Thoppumpady be one of the largest in the state. They are building a new international cruise terminal and several marinas, so take advantage of better port of Cochin.

What to see in Cochin:

Dutch Palace is the remaining part of when these lands were of European rule, you can visit buildings of that era.
St. Francis Church the oldest church has been since 1503 in the Fort district.
Chinese Fishing Nets, Fort Kochi these nets are found only in Kochi, outside China
Kathakali Theatre takes place this representation is located in Fort Cochin.Kathakali dance is a style of classical theater in the area of ​​Kerala
The Mattancherry Palace was built in 1557 by Portuguese settlers and is one of the architecture that reflects the imperial past that has the city of Cochin
Pardesi synagogue you can visit every day morning and also from 15.00 to 17.00 Sunday to Thursday.

Source:,, and
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The city of Denpasar on Bali, Indonesia tourism

The city of Denpasar on Bali, Indonesia tourism - The island of Bali is a tourist destination worldwide, and its capital is Denpasar, has 500.000 inhabitants. Denpasar has the Ngurah Rai International Airport, one of the main entrances to the island.

The island of Bali is the business center and shopping center, welcomes all the public buildings of the Indonesian administration and most colleges and universities.

Denpasar Destination:

     Bali Museum, built in 1932 by the Dutch government and a very good local architecture OVEREXPOSURE elements, mixing elements and religious palace
     The temple Pura Jagatnatha, Hang Sang was built for Widi Wasa, The temple is dedicated to one God alone. The temple highlights the central altar dedicated to Siva or Padmasana, built in white coral.
     Pasar Badung Market (Ji. Sulawesi) is located in Jalan Gajah Mada, one could get to classify as chaotic, with a unique charm.
     Pass Market Kumbasari (JI. Gajah Mada), also outdoors
     Matahari Sotore Deparment, the mall is highlighted by the sale of books in English and has a complete section devoted to babies.
     In Jalan Gajah Mada street are shops and restaurants along the river crossing the Badung.

Source: and
READ MORE - The city of Denpasar on Bali, Indonesia tourism

Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh

Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Our curiosity leads us to the tourist destination in South Asia. Visit the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka city, built on the river Buriganga, is located in central Bangladesh. Dhaka is a cosmopolitan city that focuses on the economic and cultural life. In recent years the city of Dhaka was very important to the modernization of communications, transport and public works in the city. The capital of Bangladesh is achieving the interest of many tourists and large companies.

Dhaka International Airport is the most important of Bangladesh and operates throughout the Middle East, India and some parts of the Far East and Europe

The main tourist attractions in Dhaka

Lalbagh Fort, was built in 1678 by Prince Mohammad Azam. When you reach the fort, we see the tomb of Pari Bibi (Fairy lady), Lalbagh Mosque, Audience Hall and the Nawab Shaista Khan who is now a museum.
Bangabandhu Memorial Museum contains a rare collection of personal effects and photographs of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Bangabandhu National Stadium
Hussain Dalan and the National Museum, where tourists will have the chance to see the great treasures of the history of Bangladesh.
Baldha Garden, has some beautiful flowers and plants foreign to grasp the camera.
The Suhrawardy Uddyan is a lovely garden located in a strategic point of the city.

Source:, and
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Köln or Cologne, Germany Cities

Köln or Cologne, Germany Cities - Today we will discuss the fourth largest city in Germany, the city of Cologne has a rich history from Roman times and Middle Ages, one of the sample is its Cathedral, famous throughout the world art scene and culture. Cologne is also a stronghold of the city carnival! The capital of Rhineland unique lifestyle, has a spirit of fair city: open and uncomplicated, simply "Kölsch".

Places in Cologne
  • Cologne Cathedral, has 2 towers 157 meters high, is the emblem of the city and also the best-known architectural monument in Germany
  • Cologne's old town is enclosed between Deutz and Hohenzollern bridges, you will see colorful houses attached to each other and the Gothic Cathedral Highlight and then see the church of St. Martin with a Romanesque architecture on the Rhine
  • It has 12 major Roman churches within the medieval walls that are considered Cologne has one of the important of Europe.
  • The Chocolate Museum with your pet - the Moor Sarotti - in the center of Cologne. Through a guided tour you will learn the history up to the present of chocolate.

READ MORE - Köln or Cologne, Germany Cities

Jeddah Saudi Arabia trip

Jeddah Saudi Arabia trip - In today's current tourism to travel to West Asia in order to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. We will avoid the typical tourist routes and take the back streets of Jeddah, it is good for us to know the many cultural nuances that make Saudi Arabia the great tourist destination it is. After walking and touring with the twists and turns the streets of Jeddah, be ready to begin a visit to the tourist attractions that the city has.

The climate is dry and warm Jeddah, the average temperature is 31 ° C in July and 23 ° C in January.

Places to visit in Jeddah
  • The port of Jeddah is the most important of Saudi Arabia is on the Red Sea
  • Home Shorbatly typical architectural style of the Jeddah, inside is decorated with coral reefs in the Red Sea.
  • Naseef House is a building that belonged to the clan Naseef in the nineteenth century.
  • Al-Shafee mosque is one of the oldest mosques in the city.
  • Museum of the City worth visiting where we will be pleasantly surprised
  • The old city wall still standing only 3 doors: the North Gate of the City of Al-Maydan Bayal, Bab Makkah at the intersection of Al-Mukarramah and Ba'najah Rd, and Ba'najah Bab Sharif.
READ MORE - Jeddah Saudi Arabia trip

Batagor RIRI in Bandung

Batagor RIRI in Bandung  - Salah satu kuliner Bandung yang banyak diburu oleh para wisatawan adalah Batagor. Salah satu "top of mind" dari batagor Bandung ini adalah Batagor RIRI. Yup, Batagor Riri disebut-sebut sebagai salah satu pelopor yang membuat nama Batagor menjadi kondang sebagai kuliner khas kota Bandung. Kelebihannya menurut saya salah satunya ada di tahunya, karena tahu bandung memang terkenal kelezatannya. Ditambah dengan bumbu kacang yang khas dengan tingkat kepedasan yang pas.... Seluruupp... Oh iya, biasanya selain batagor, orang juga memesan siomay. Isinya sama, tapi jika batagor menggunakan tahu sebagai "kulit"nya sedangkan siomay menggunakan pangsit.

Saat ini Batagor Riri juga melakukan diversifikasi makanan dengan menambahkan sajian Bakso Malang. Tapi menurut saya masih agak jauh rasanya jika dibandingkan dengan "tetangga"nya, Bakso Malang Enggal. Saya juga mencoba Batagor kuah yang tidak diberi bumbu kacang tapi dikasih kuah. Enak sih, tapi tentu saja kalah "menggigit" jika dibandingkan Batagor biasa. Bumbu kacang merupakan salah satu point utama dari sajian batagor ini, itu yang hilang dari sajian batagor kuah.

Batagor RIRI bisa kita santap di tempat atau kita bungkus untuk dijadikan buah tangan. Biasanya dijual dalam paket yang berisi 10 buah batagor atau siomay, tergantung selera. Bisa kita pilih sendiri variasinya. Kita pun bisa memesannya 1/2 matang, sehingga kita dapat menggorengnya kembali ketika sampai rumah. Tapi ingat, karena tidak menggunakan bahan pengawet, batagor ini hanya tahan 24 jam saja, kecuali jika dimasukkan ke dalam kulkas bisa tahan 3-4 hari. Harga satu buah batagor/siomay nya Rp. 7000. Cukup mahal memang...

Selain pusatnya di Jl. Burangrang ini, Batagor Riri yang mulai membuka usahanya sejak 1985 ini, juga telah mempunyai cabang di beberapa tempat di Bandung yaitu di Paskal Hypersquare, Jl Kebon kawung, Mode Plus (Setiabudi), Level Outlet (Dago) dan Sosis Kita (Pasirkaliki). Semua cabangnya memang hanya ada di kota Bandung. Buat yang di luar Bandung??? Ya dateng aja ke Bandung hehehe

Batagor RIRI
Jl. Burangrang 41 Bandung
Telp (022) 7303349

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Bakmi Jogja Bengawan in Bandung

Bakmi Jogja Bengawan in Bandung - "Menikmati suasana Jogja di Tatar Pasundan", itu yang pertama kali saya rasakan ketika masuk ke dalam Kedai Bakmi Jogja Bengawan ini. Menu andalannya ada Bakmi, ada pilihannya yaitu Godhok (rebus)/Goreng/ Nyemek (basah tapi tidak terlalu berkuah seperti godhok). Saya pesan Bakmi Nyemek. Memang ya, kalo masakan dimasaknya pake areng, belum pernah kecewa deh. Bakmi Jawa yang dimasak dengan telur, potongan ayam dan kol ini rasanya aduhaii, mirip ketika saya menikmatinya di Kota Jogja langsung seperti di Bakmi Jombor atau Pak Pele. Slurruuppp... Harga: Rp.17.000,-

Selain bakmi atau bihun, Bakmi Jogja Bengawan ini juga menyediakan Nasi Goreng Jogja sebagai pilihan menunya. Atau kita juga bisa pilih Nasi Ruwet, serupa dengan nasi goreng tapi ditambahkan mie juga. Orang juga sering menyebutnya dengan Nasi Mawut atau Magelangan. Dengan tingkat kepedasan "sedang", manis dan pedasnya Nasi Ruwet ini begitu memanjakan lidah. Uenak bangeett... Bumbunya meresap di tiap bulir nasinya, mungkin ini juga efek masak pake arang :) Jika mau kita juga bisa menambahkan ati ampela/uritan/brutu/sewiwi untuk memperkaya isi dari Nasi Ruwet ini. Harga: Rp. 17.000,-

Minumnya? Coba Ronde Jogja-nya. Atau kalau kenyang pilih Teh Poci Gula Batu. Teh tubruk yang disajikan dalam poci dan disandingkan dengan gula batu pada cangkirnya, ini adalah minuman favorit saya sepanjang masa. Selain teh tubruk yang panas dan pekat, aroma manis yang diberikan oleh gula batunya juga menimbulkan rasa yang berbeda. Menyegarkan raga sekaligus jiwa kita
*lebay mode on* :) Rp.8500,-

Asalnya Bakmi Jogja ini menempati rumah di bilangan Jl Bengawan, Bandung sebelum pindah ke kawasan Taman Pramuka. Oleh karena itu nama Bengawan masih melekat di nama "Bakmi Jogja"-nya agar pengunjung tidak salah. Berbeda dengan rumah makan lain, Bakmi Jogja Bengawan ini "menyimpan" dapurnya justru bagian paling depan, sehingga pengunjung bisa melihat langsung proses pembuatan makanan yang dipesan. Musik gending Jawa yang mengalun syahdu, pakaian yang dikenakan sampai bahasa Jawa halus yang digunakan para pelayannya membuat kita lupa bahwa kita sedang menikmati kuliner di Bandung. Suasana Jogja memang tampaknya sengaja diciptakan sang pemiliki secara total, sehingga para pelayannya pun tak sungkan berbahasa Jawa halus jiga mengetahui pelanggannya dapat berbahasa Jawa. Sangat direkomendasikan buat yang ingin merasakan Bakmi Jogja asli di ibu kota Jawa Barat ini...

READ MORE - Bakmi Jogja Bengawan in Bandung

Restaurant in Bandung - West Java Indonesia

Restaurant in Bandung - West Java Indonesia

Warung Laos
Eykman Street 2
Phone: (022) 2030516

18hrs Cafe
Setiabudi Street 103F
Phone: (022) 2032600

Karang Layung Street 24
Phone: (022) 2032818

Dr. Rajiman Street 5-7
Phone: (022) 4264888

Sukajadi Street 205
Phone: (022) 2031277

Pelajar Pejuang Street 91
Phone: (022) 7323236

Sawunggaling Street 13
Phone: (022) 4218254

Dr. Rum Street 16
Phone: (022) 4217538

Diponegoro Street 9
Phone: (022) 4203588

Cafe Halaman
Taman Sari Street 92 Bandung
Phone: (022) 2512350

Boga Kuring
Dago Bukit Utara Street 53
Phone: (022) 2505365

Sari Sunda
Lengkong Besar Street 77 & 18A
Phone: (022) 4238125

Dr.Setiabudhi Street 46
Phone: (022) 2031772

Kedai Nyonya Rumah
Naripan Street 92 C
Phone: (022) 4210426

R.E.Martadinata Street 67
Phone: (022) 4209506

Dr. Sutami Street 52A
Phone: (022) 2007363

Ciliwung Street 9
Phone: (022) 7234165

Cafe Bali
R.E. Martadinata Street 215
Phone: (022) 7217490

Peps Cafe
Ciumbuleuit Street 167B
Phone: (022) 2042581

Ciumbuleuit Street 163A
Phone: (022) 2042010

Origano Cafe
Jl. Dr.Rajiman Street 1
Phone: (022) 4233928

Cafe Pinggir Jalan
Jl. Dr.Setiabudhi Street 353
Phone: (022) 2014470

Sunda Kelapa
Pasir Kaliki Street 185
Phone: (022) 6071436

The Valley Bistro Cafe
Lembah Pakar Timur Street 28
Phone: (022) 2511450

Calista Cafe
Bukit Pakar Timur IV Street Kav BI
Phone: (022) 2513355

Mc Nzie
Bukit Pakar Timur Street 73
Phone: (022) 2501030

Cafe Bunga
Kolonel Masturi Street Km 9
Phone: (022) 2789563

The Malya Bandung
Ranca Bentang Street 56-58
Phone: (022) 2030333

Jl. Gunung Agung Street 8
Phone: (022) 2031438

Cafe Tortilla
Jl. Dr.Setiabudhi Street 438
Phone: (022) 2014470
READ MORE - Restaurant in Bandung - West Java Indonesia

West Lombok, When The Sun Goes To Set

West Lombok Regency or Lombok Barat, is one of the Indonesian Provinces in Indonesia, which is located in West Nusa Tenggara. It is located on the island of Lombok and the capital is Gerung.

West Lombok Regency is bounded by North Lombok Regency to the north, Central Lombok Regency to the south, East Lombok Regency to the east and the Lombok Strait to the west. There is Mount Rinjani in the north of the region, which is one of famous mountains in Indonesia and the third highest and second largest mountain in Indonesia.

West Lombok regency was established in 1958 and being included in the northern section of Lombok. The indigenous people that live in West Lombok are Sasak people. Other tribes that live together with the indigenous are Balinese, Chinese, the descent of Tionghoa, Arab and Yemeni descent who settled in the early port city of Ampenan.

Most people in West Lombok normally speak the Sasak language as it is the native language, but Bahasa Indonesia is the most widely used in everyday interactions.

Similar to Bali, Lombok is also have some exotic destinations that worth visited. Beside Rinjani Mountain, there is Senggigi Beach, Ampenan Beach and such an Old Town in West Lombok. Moreover, there is Malimbu hill, Batu Bolong beach, Suranadi Beach and more.
READ MORE - West Lombok, When The Sun Goes To Set

Tourism in Ciamis, West Java Indonesia

Tourism in Ciamis, West Java Indonesia - Ciamis is one of regencies in West Java, with the capital is Ciamis town. It has borderes with Majalengka and Kuningan in north, Cilacap, Central Java and Banjar city in east, Indian Ocean in south, Tasikmalaya city and Tasikmalaya regency in west.

Ciamis is divided into 30 Sub-district, and divided more into villages and hamlets. Most of Ciamis area is form into mountain and highland, except on the border with southern Central Java, and some coastal areas. Ciamis south eastern coast is in the form of gulf, including the Gulf of Pangandaran, Parigi Gulf, and Gulf Pananjung. Pangandaran Beach is one of the main tourist destination in Ciamis District.

Ciamis is one of Indonesia areas that potentially have beach destination. Beside, there are also other destinations like Situ Lengkong Panjalu, Bumi Alit tourism object, Tambaksari Museum, Astana gede awali, Karang Nini beach, Karang Tirta, Batu Hiu, Green Canyon, Batu Karas, Keusik Luhur, and Citumang.
READ MORE - Tourism in Ciamis, West Java Indonesia

Tourism in Manokwari, Indonesia

Tourism in Manokwari, Indonesia - Manokwari is one of cities and regencies in province of West Papua, which is located at the western end of New Guinea. It is one of the seats of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Manokwari–Sorong. It is also the administrative seat of Manokwari Regency. It has a metropolitian area that has a population of 155000. The metro area includes Manokwari, Andai, Nuni, Amban, Insjoerifoeri, Maboi, Bakopti, Maikee, and Toebisjimila.

The city of Manokwari becomes the capital of West New Guinea since Dutch colonization. Located at the northern part of the Irian mainland, Manokwari lays on the beautiful surrounding gorges, the main interest around Manokwari includes Gunung Meja Park, from where you can view the scenery of Manokwari town, Amban beach, Anggi Lake and Arfak Reserve.
READ MORE - Tourism in Manokwari, Indonesia

Maybrat Regency, Papua

Maybrat Regency, Papua. Maybrat is one of regencies in Papua. It bounded with Fef, Senopi and Kebar in North; Kokoda and Kais in South; Moswaren, Wayer and Sawiat in West; North Moskona and South Moskona in East.

Framu Ayamaru Lake - Maybrat Regency, Papua

Maybrat regency is am expand area from South Sorong regency since 2009. This regency, like any other area in Papua, is such a wonderful regency.

One of the natural beauties in this location is Framu lake. Framu Lake is a small part of the Ayamaru lake, which is located in the Maybrat West Papua Province. At the map is fitting on head Bird of Papua.

Other destinations are also shown the beauty of the nature that worth to be visited.
READ MORE - Maybrat Regency, Papua