Cabo de San Vicente in Sagres, Portugal - El Cabo de San Vicente in Sagres, was considered a sacred place for centuries, because it was the place of return for pilgrims and a highlight among the routes of the Mediterranean and Africa to the Americas, and not less important because it is still used as a benchmark for marine equally in Spain with the Lighthouse of Trafalgar. Readmore Cultural tourism in Porto, Portugal
To reach the lighthouse you must pass through the center of town (towards Placa da Republica) and ask there and guide us to Faro Cabo San Vicente. We recommend you have or get any site plan or map of the area, may be obtained from any of the free local magazines.
To reach the lighthouse you must pass through the center of town (towards Placa da Republica) and ask there and guide us to Faro Cabo San Vicente. We recommend you have or get any site plan or map of the area, may be obtained from any of the free local magazines.
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