Festivals in Catalonia

Culinary and tourism. Festivals in Catalonia, Catalonia has managed to maintain many customs and traditions through the years that are very common in everyday life. The most important from a viewpoint of tourists are:

Sardana: Catalan traditional dance. People in front of the cathedral on Sundays to dance.

Castellers: The "castles" are impressive human towers of up to 9 "flats." It originated in the Tarragona region, although it can be seen in popular festivals in Barcelona, especially during the "Merce".

St. George (Sant Jordi), patron saint of Catalonia: On 23 April the Catalans celebrate Saint George offering a rose and / or book, and the main shopping streets of Barcelona are filled with book stands.

Eve of San Juan: On the 23 June, the summer solstice is celebrated with big bonfires, firecrackers and fireworks, and people eat the traditional coca de Sant Joan "(pastry).

La Merce festival: This is the festival of Barcelona's patron saint, held in the week of Sept. 24, the day of the Merced. All kinds of activities are organized for all tastes and all ages. Of particular interest is the "Fire Run" (fire-breathing dragons of Catalonia), and musical pyrotechnics (fireworks and classical music next to the Montjuïc fountains).
READ MORE - Festivals in Catalonia

Daftar Indonesian Restaurant di Bandung

Daftar Indonesian Restaurant di Bandung - Bandung terkenal sebagai surganya makanan di Indonesia, semua jenis makanan se Indonesia ada di Kota Bandung, di bawah ini adalah Daftar tempat  Indonesian Restaurant di Bandung, Semoga Bermanfaat dan terus kunjungi ya blog Culinary and Tourism

RM.Lumpia Semarang
Jl. Badak Singa No. 21
Ph. +62.22.2504533

RM. Sate Maulana Yusuf
Jl. Maulana Yusuf No. 21
Ph. +62.22.4234096

RM. Khas Makassar
Jl. Gandapura No. 75
Ph. +62.22.4207634

Gudeg Yogya
Jl. Lombok No. 57
Ph. +62.22.4202245

Mie Nursijan
Jl. Banda No. 13
Ph. +62.22.2042010

Gepuk Ny.Yong
Jl. dr.Setiabudhi No. 144
Ph. +62.22.2035036

RM.Pondok Kapau
Jl. Pasir Kaliki No.71
Ph. +62.22.6040054

Pempek Pak Raden
Jl. Rama No. 21
Ph. +62.22.6016523

RM. Sate Karjan
Jl. Pelajar Pejuang No.46
Ph. +62.22.7307166

Batagor Riri
Jl. Burangrang No. 41
Ph. +62.22.7303349

Lomie Karuhun
Jl. Pasirkaliki No. 64
Ph. +62.22.4240928

Lotek Kalipahapo
Jl. Kalipah Apo No. 42
Ph. +62.22.4205983

Ayam Goreng Jakarta
Jl. Cihampelas No. 109
Ph. +62.22.2034815

Ikan Bakar Cianjur
Jl. Dr.Setiabudhi No. 67
Ph. 022. 2033453

Daun Pisang
Jl. Dr.Setiabudhi No. 154
Ph. +62.22. 2037575

Ayam Goreng Suharti
Jl. Cipaganti No. 158
Ph. +.62.22.2038677

Ayam Goreng Cianjur
Jl. Sunda No.57
Ph. +62.22.4236945

Ayam Goreng Lunak
Jl. Ir.H.Juanda No. 105
Ph. +62.22.2507551
READ MORE - Daftar Indonesian Restaurant di Bandung

Wayang Kulit adalah Seni Tradisional Indonesia

Culinary and Tourism - Bagi anda yang sedang melancong ke Indonesia jangan lupa untuk melihat kesenian Wayang Kulit, kesenian tradisional ini berkembang di provinsi Jawa, anda dapat menontonnya semalam suntuk karena biasanya di tayangkan waktu malam sampai menjelang shubuh. Apa itu Wayang Kulit ? urainya dapat anda membacanya di bawah ini :

Wayang kulit adalah seni tradisional Indonesia yang terutama berkembang di Jawa. Wayang berasal dari kata Ma Hyang artinya menuju kepada yang maha esa, . Wayang kulit dimainkan oleh seorang dalang yang juga menjadi narator dialog tokoh-tokoh wayang, dengan diiringi oleh musik gamelan yang dimainkan sekelompok nayaga dan tembang yang dinyanyikan oleh para pesinden. Dalang memainkan wayang kulit di balik kelir, yaitu layar yang terbuat dari kain putih, sementara di belakangnya disorotkan lampu listrik atau lampu minyak (blencong), sehingga para penonton yang berada di sisi lain dari layar dapat melihat bayangan wayang yang jatuh ke kelir. Untuk dapat memahami cerita wayang(lakon), penonton harus memiliki pengetahuan akan tokoh-tokoh wayang yang bayangannya tampil di layar.

Secara umum wayang mengambil cerita dari naskah Mahabharata dan Ramayana, tetapi tak dibatasi hanya dengan pakem (standard) tersebut, ki dalang bisa juga memainkan lakon carangan (gubahan). Beberapa cerita diambil dari cerita Panji.

Pertunjukan wayang kulit telah diakui oleh UNESCO pada tanggal 7 November 2003, sebagai karya kebudayaan yang mengagumkan dalam bidang cerita narasi dan warisan yang indah dan berharga ( Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity ). Wayang kulit lebih populer di Jawa bagian tengah dan timur, sedangkan wayang golek lebih sering dimainkan di Jawa Barat.

Sumber: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayang_kulit
READ MORE - Wayang Kulit adalah Seni Tradisional Indonesia

Florence, a tourist destination in Italy

Culinary and Tourism Italy - Florence, a tourist destination in Italy, The city of Florence in Italy is the capital and most populated city in the province Florence, Counting the city and its metropolitan area reaches 1.5 million inhabitants. The city also is what is its historical, artistic, economic and administrative center of the region of Tuscany.

Between 1865 and 1871 during the Italian unification was its capital, in the mean age was considered an important cultural, economic and financially. In the establishment of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany was the best time to Florence, was under the dominion of the Medici dynasty.

By visiting this beautiful city full of beautiful historic buildings will need to find a Florence apartment to enjoy this tourist destination has for you that Italy Florence is one of the cradles of world architecture and art, prestige was acquired in the 2 ° half of the fourteenth century through the Renaissance, was where they were born. In 1982 UNESCO declared the historic center a World Heritage Site.

The climate of Florence falls into the category of temperate continental climate. Winter is cool and humid with average temperature is 2.5 ° C on the other hand, summers are dry and hot with an average of 30 ° C. The annual rainfall of 920 mm Florence is the month of November the wettest with 112 mm during the summer and little rain.

Florence Airport is located near the city, is intended for domestic flights and a few European destinations, as has a single runway. This links to the city via bus. Pisa Airport is the main area and is connected by rail to Florence and also by bus, the transfer takes about 1 pm.

Tourist Sites in Florence:

The Basilica of Santa Cruz
The basilica of Santo Spirito
The convent of San Marcos
Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore
The dome of Santa Maria del Fiore
Bargello National Museum
The Palazzo Vecchio
The Ponte Vecchio
The Bargello, Uffizi
The Palazzo Vecchio
Carraia Bridge, the original was of wood, after being destroyed was rebuilt in stone
The Accademia Gallery, where exposure is in the David of Michelangelo.
Piazza della Repubblica, the main square of Florence
Giubbe Rosse, a famous Café where they met to discuss literature

Source: wikipedia.org
READ MORE - Florence, a tourist destination in Italy