Travelling in Cambodia, Phnom Penh destination

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Travelling in Cambodia, Phnom Penh destination - We traveled to Southeast Asia to visit the city of Phnom Penh, has the honor of being the capital of the Kingdom of Cambodia, is also the seat of government and one of the most important commercial center in the region thanks to its strategic location on the delta and the confluence of two navigable rivers such as the Mekong and Tonle Sap, where the city has a river port with access to the South China Sea.

It is a beautiful resort, which houses a beautiful Asian cultural environment, making recreate the story with its monuments and historic buildings, without neglecting the modern buildings owned Phnom Penh.

The climate is tropical monsoon Phnom Penh, the average annual temperature is 27 ° C and and average annual rainfall of 1,400 mm.

In the city of Phnom Penh tourism and recreation is an important source of its economy, so you will find large and important architectural treasures, religious, historical and recreational spaces and meeting. It has places to stay cheap to large hotels in Phnom Penh where luxury is not lacking, if we talk about the night life casino, nightclubs and restaurants. It's all for our visit to Phnom Penh memorable

The sights of Phnom Penh are:

  • Royal Palace with a whole oriental and Silver Pagoda
  • the National Palace
  • Wat Phnom Pen
  • Tuol Slang
  • Museum of the Khmer Rouge auto-genocide (see Cambodian genocide)
  • the Monument of Independence.
  • Silver Pagoda or Pagoda of the Emerald Buddha
  • National Museum of Phnom Penh



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